Worship with Holy Communion
Sundays at 9 AM
134 Main Street
Terryville, Ct 06786
Also Visit us on FaceBook for weekly updates
Welcome to ST PAUL

YOU are welcome here
Worship with Holy Communion
Sundays at 9 AM
Small Angels is up and running!
Need baby supplies? Please see the calendar page for dates!

Worship with Holy Communion every Sunday at 9 AM. Worship God with song, scripture, preaching, and prayer!
What's a Lutheran? What should I wear to church? Will you accept me the way I am? You've got questions, we've got answers!
The St. Paul Baby Pantry - Small Angels
Third Saturday of every month*
10 AM to 12 PM
*check calendar

Welcome to Saint Paul! In this community, you will be warmly welcomed, just the way you are. We're glad you're here.
We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Reconciling in Christ means that our community is a safe and welcoming place for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people and for People of Color, including our Black and Indigenous neighbors. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is our denominational body. "Evangelical" means we are called to share the good news of God's love in Jesus Christ. "Lutheran" refers to our historic connection to Martin Luther and his contemporaries, who reformed the Church over 500 years ago, returning us to a community founded on the unconditional grace of God. The ELCA is the largest Lutheran denomination in the USA, and is the only Lutheran organization in this country to welcome women and LGBTQIA+ people to participate in the life and leadership of the church at all levels.
The community of St. Paul welcomes all people to help us share the unconditional love of God in Christ Jesus. We can accomplish a lot on our own. But together, we are revealing something greater than ourselves: the Kingdom of God, where all are loved, accepted, fed, housed, clothed, cared for, and safe. Let's grow together!

"In the presence of God, nothing stands between God and us – we are forgiven. But we cannot feel God's presence if anything is allowed to stand between ourselves and others."
Dag Hammarskjöld
134 Main St, Terryville, CT 06786, USA
(860) 540-0839